The Northern Lights Choir has completed fourteen seasons under the guidance of founder, Steve Guidone. In that time it has become a very cohesive ensemble of dedicated and well blended singers.

Founded in 2009, the Northern Lights Choir takes pride in presenting the finest choral music. Each concert includes music from various periods of music, a variety of genres and a span of moods from thought-provoking to light-hearted to inspirational. Each concert also features solos by talented local artists.

We explore music from the Renaissance to the Modern periods with a particular emphasis on “art songs,” that is, poetic pieces with vivid images, painted musically.

Each concert includes music that “stretches” the choir in terms of its technical requirements or its intellectual or emotional challenge. But we also include some lighter music for balance.

Drawing on a primarily secular repertoire, both a cappella and accompanied, we include Canadian compositions in every concert. Our concerts are held in venues chosen for their lively acoustics and the potential for an intimate experience with the audience.

Attending a Northern Lights concert will be time well spent.

A New Chapter

In this fifteenth season, the choir has had to bid a fond farewell to Steve as he has decided it is time to retire. We are pleased to know that one of our own members, Zachary Power, is both willing and highly qualified to take over this key role.  Read more…