Story, Song and Good Cheer!
A Dylan Thomas Christmas is a relaxed and engaging reading of the author’s A Child’s Christmas in Wales. The story, read in its entirety by Patrick Benson, is interspersed with beautiful Christmas musical favourites arranged by Jon Washburn (conductor of the Vancouver Chamber Choir). Add a few gifted guest artists and you have a winning combination.
The concert, as always is best heard live. But the recorded version of A Dylan Thomas Christmas, also makes for a wonderful time with family or friends. So put a log on the fire, pour yourselves an eggnog with or without a dash of rum, and let the beautiful, blended voices of the choir and the rich storytelling tones of Patrick Benson take you back to a simpler time.
The music and narration for A Dylan Thomas Christmas were recorded during the 2020-21 pandemic when the choir could not gather to sing. Each selection was recorded remotely by each choir member or instrumentalist. The individual clips were then assembled with great care by our then director-come-sound-editing-wizard, Steve Guidone.
How Can I Listen?
Listen any time by clicking the blue button on your computer, smart phone or tablet. If you can connect to some quality speakers the experience will be more amazing.